Using DITA

xhtml customization re <pre class="codeblock">

What do I have  to do to change

<pre class="codeblock"> 

in xhtml output to be:

<pre class="prettyprint">  ?

I want to do this in order to use the Javascript code prettifier to format code. I have args.hdf set to write the script call in, and the args.css set for the style sheet, but I am not sure which template I need to copy into my custom .xsl to change the actual tag in the xhtml.

Fast solutions appreciated. ;-)


Does DITA work well for technical support documents?

Hello group, forgive me if I'm posting in the wrong location. Not sure where this would belong.

I am a student enrolled in the Technical and Professional Writing program at San Francisco State and am writing a white paper about DITA.

The goal of my paper is to determine whether using DITA to create technical support documents is a successful solution and to what degree (i.e. some content works better than other content, pros vs. cons, etc.).

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Specification Strategies Thread: <xref> text control

It is nearly impossible to talk about what you want to do without at least giving an example of how you want to do it.  Already, the requirements thread has produced three different potential strategies for how to specify some mechanism to control the text substituted by <xref>.  These three initial suggestions are:

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Requirements thread: <xref>

Please use this thread to discuss how you would like <xref> to behave.  <xref> is, in the opinions of some, underspecified.  Please show here how you would like to use it.  We will discuss implementation issues on another thread.

To start:

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Abstract Reuse

I am relatively new to DITA but a very old hand at xml/sgml.

Technically, I am creating a dita bookmap which includes a bookabstract. I would like to create the topic for the bookabstract by (in part) reusing all of the associated chapter topic abstracts. However, I can not see a way of using a conref for multiple abstracts out of context.

Practically, I just want to be able to pull all of my abstracts into an introduction for the book.

Am I using the wrong strategy for reuse? Any suggestions would be welcome.

Thanks. Focus Areas: BPEL | DITA | ebXML | IDtrust | OpenDocument | SAML | UBL | UDDI
OASIS sites: OASIS | Cover Pages | | AMQP | CGM Open | eGov | Emergency | IDtrust | LegalXML | Open CSA | OSLC | WS-I