Using DITA

XMetal problem--doesn't recognize DTD


I've been using XMetal 4.6 Author to write and edit topics in DITA for a couple of months. Earlier this week I replaced my computer. After installing XMetal to my new computer, to my astonishment I found that it isn't working as expected with the DTD.

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Using an XSL-FO to PDF converter other than FOP to work with the DITA Toolkit

Hey all,

Just started working with the DITA ToolKit, and I've been assigned to onfigure it to use a different PDF renderer than the default FOP.

My investigations have lead me to believe that the main area I need to change is in the ditatargets.xml file. Specifically, the section that deals with FO to PDF conversions.

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Any plans to publish to WIKI or PHP

Just curious...our group has starting this option and was wondering what future publishing channels may be.



Newbie Open Toolkit installation problem

I read about DITA concepts; now, I want  to see some working samples to find out what I can do with DITA, and how. 

So I'm now trying to install the Open Toolkit 1.2.2, on Windows, as per insturctions found here;

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Great start :)

Nice effort guys. Great to see another Drupal site.

As a long time DITA lurker (but not quite user yet) and Drupal user, I've been entertaining occassional thoughts about possible ways of integrating the two for a while now. It's been a fairly low priority so far, but maybe with some other interested parties, I might be prodded into actual action ;)

Anyway, best of luck with the site and I hope the community really takes off from here.

Anton Focus Areas: BPEL | DITA | ebXML | IDtrust | OpenDocument | SAML | UBL | UDDI
OASIS sites: OASIS | Cover Pages | | AMQP | CGM Open | eGov | Emergency | IDtrust | LegalXML | Open CSA | OSLC | WS-I