Archive - Mar 21, 2006


The Indianapolis DITA users group now being formed, spearheaded by Ruth Nickolich. The address is

Indy DITA Users Group

The Indianapolis DITA Users Group is now being formed, spearheaded by Ruth Nickolich.

Central Texas DITA Users Group (Austin)

In Austin, Texas, the Central Texas DITA Users Group (CTDUG) meets every third Wednesday--information available from locals Don Day and Wendy Shepperd.

Toronto DITA User Group

The Toronto DITA Users Group is in the works, with help from Michael Priestley and others in the area.

The Toronto DITA User Group meets once a month in Toronto. The Web site is at

To subscribe to the group, email

New York DITA Users Group

NYDUG’s mission is to provide a vehicle for technical communication professionals in the New York metropolitan area to assist each other in adopting DITA, and to promote the growth of the local DITA community via information sessions, training programs, and networking.

Membership is free. To join, send a message to


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