Archive - May 11, 2006
About: The OASIS Symposium, or worth its salt
Blog entry: Submitted by erikh on Thu, 2006-05-11 23:40.
"I have met with a philosophical work in which the utility of salt has been made the theme of an eloquent discourse; and many other like things have had a like honour bestowed upon them."
— Plato's as translated by Benjamin Jowett
Most conferences serve a particular community. For instance, the attendees at Content Management Strategies are all on the same wavelength. ("We want reuse!") Not so at the OASIS Symposium, where attendees have a common means (XML standards) for a multitude of goals. The diversity of human endeavor can be a bit mind boggling. NIST naming and design rules, SAML swimlanes, Business Process messaging -- who knew? Which has a less delightful dark side: who could know it all? And without a know-it-all, does this important work end up constructing an acronymic Tower of Babel? Does a standard that solves a specific problem in isolation creates integration problems elsewhere? That question came to the front more than once.