Archive - Oct 16, 2007


Inmedius DITA Storm™ Developer

DITA Storm™ Developer ( is a full-featured DITA editing tool that enables authors to easily create DITA-compliant content in WYSIWYG mode regardless of their DITA or XML knowledge.  The editing environment is 100% browser-based, requiring no timely or costly client installations or updates, and is completely customizable for a superior DITA user experience.  Non-technical authors create structured content in a familiar environment while ensuring that the entire DITA documentation lifecycle is supported through easy integration into an exiting CMS.

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Inmedius® Enters DITA-Based Software Market with Acquisition of DITA Storm™

Pittsburgh, PA – October 16, 2007  Inmedius, Inc. is pleased to announce the acquisition of LogPerspective’s DITA Storm, a full-featured DITA editing tool that enables authors to easily create DITA-compliant content in WYSIWYG mode regardless of their DITA XML knowledge.  The editing environment is 100% browser-based, requiring no timely or costly client installations or updates, and is completely customizable for a superior DITA user experience.   

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Question: Why does one file overwrite the other file even if they were saved as different file names?

I use Epic Editor to create dita files. Here's a problem I came across recently:

I created a concept topic and saved it as c_admin.dita. While the file is still open, I saved it as another file c_client.dita and changed the concept id. I created a totally new content for c_client.dita and saved and closed it when I finished, believing I had two concept files now.

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Inmedius Horizon

Inmedius Horizon facilitates the professional management of content, delivering the tools and information to efficiently manage a technical documentation publications operation. The powerful combination of a flexible library system, with business intelligence delivered through a unique Dashboard approach, gives you complete command over your information assets. Users also benefit by its tight integration with both Microsoft® Project and Excel. It is the only system that defines, builds and maintains its own internal Project schedule for each item.

Read more Focus Areas: BPEL | DITA | ebXML | IDtrust | OpenDocument | SAML | UBL | UDDI
OASIS sites: OASIS | Cover Pages | | AMQP | CGM Open | eGov | Emergency | IDtrust | LegalXML | Open CSA | OSLC | WS-I