Archive - Aug 9, 2007
OASIS DITA Semiconductor Information Design Subcommittee
Creating DITA specializations for better information design and interoperability throughout the semiconductor industry.
This subcommittee represents a community of interest within various semiconductor companies who believe that there is value in creating a DITA specialization for the industry. Not only will this enable better integration with the development of the OASIS DITA Standard, but will provide an opportunity for
Supported output formats
The DITA Open Toolkit can produce output in the following formats:
- PDF, through XSL-FO
- Microsoft Compressed HTML Help
- Eclipse Help
- Java Help
- Rich Text Format
It can also be extended to produce output in arbitrary formats.
XMetaL DITA Evaluation Guide source files
This zip file contains a DITAmap and multiple topics.
Bob Doyle
A DITA Wiki for DITA Users
DITA Wiki is an extensive wiki packed with over 600 pages of initial content, including placeholder pages for all the major DITA tools, vendors, and professional services.
It offers the complete DITA Architectural and Language Specifications in a form that supports both comments and discussions.
Scripto is a communication consulting company, specialized in:
- Technical writing and user documentation design
- Information modeling
- Content strategy
- DITA (Darwin Information Typing Architecture)
We offer the following DITA-related services:
- DITA structured authoring training
- DITA consulting and coaching
To help you to get started with DITA, we can offer you our DITA Starter Pack.