Scriptorium has recently teamed up with JustSystems in a couple of DITA related webinars: "An Overview of the DITA Open Toolkit" followed by: "Key Elements on Customizing and Troubleshooting Output". These are part of the "Best Practices for Structured Authoring and Publishing" series.
Archive - Oct 2008
Difference between referenz and concept?
I read the DITA Architectural and Language Specification and a book about topic orientate writing, but I still have the problem, that I often don’t know if I should write content in a reference or a concept topic. The examples often do not help me because I write documentation for machines and not only for software.
How have you learned that?
One example:
During the machine is running the user have to do some activities. I have a topic with the following content (in a table):
New DITA Open Toolkit Webinars From Scriptorium & JustSystems
The DITA Standard Puts Its Money Where Its Mouth Is
Peter Hagopian writes on InformationWeek, "You may have heard of Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) standards for content creation, and it's just as likely that your eyes glazed over as the DITA faithful sing its praises. It's easy to get down into the weeds quickly in a discussion of DITA, but at its core, it's an XML-based method for authoring content in reusable modules, organized by topic.
Michael Priestley
DITA for Kids?
Imagine this scenario:
- A teacher wants to create some customized lesson materials, starting from Wikipedia
- They open an editor, type in the name of a wikipedia article, and start dragging and dropping content and images into a new article with just the content they want
- They selectively combine and edit the content from several articles into new articles which can be organized around themes
How our DITA Conversion Saved us 100 Grand, for Starters
A Case Study in DITA for Globalization & Localization
By Jennifer Linton, CaridianBCT
Ever wonder how converting to a DITA/XML content management system would play out in real life? What if we added globalization? What if it showed nearly $100,000 savings for the first two deliverables (in 9 languages)?