Archive - Apr 14, 2008
DITA Specialization by Example Overview
Specialization by example makes use of design examples, a representation of the DITA model, and a method for producing artifacts for standard XML infrastructure from the model representation.
The essential characteristics of the approach are as follows:
DITA Specialization by Example Goals
Specialization by example seeks to make it specialization easier for designers and processors.
DITA specialization by example should meet the following requirements:
DITA Specialization by example
Content Management Strategies/DITA North America Conference 2008 Santa Clara Ca
The Content Management Strategies/DITA North America conference in Santa Clara, CA April 2008 was a great success with a record crowd. Lots of knowledgeable DITA users presented their results and discussed their continuing challenges.
Please see the conference blog at
JoAnn Hackos
Using IBM Task Modeler to create DITA-based information sets
Presentation at Content Management Strategies/DITA North America, April 2008 by Kristen James Eberlein. Also presented at the 23 April 2008 meeting of the RTP DITA Users' Group.