Archive - Apr 16, 2008
Marking up code samples
Forum topic: Submitted by Derek Tomes on Wed, 2008-04-16 22:31.
When documenting programming languages we commonly include code snippets within the documentation to illustrate how to go about doing something. In HTML this would usually include <PRE> or <CODE> tags to inform the browser that we want to see this snippet in a non-proportional font with the white space preserved.
However, modern programming tools go one better and now markup this text with colour to assist with readability. So, rather than just displaying a block of black text they display something like this:
What is the most commonly used DITA editor?
Forum topic: Submitted by Derek Tomes on Wed, 2008-04-16 21:35.
Anything else you can tell me about peoples favorite DITA editing tool would be appreciated, like how many organisations use it.
Thanks in anticipation.