Archive - 2008

10 DITA Resource Lists

DITA News. About 30 places to go for news about DITA.

DITA World. A comprehensive list of DITA websites.

DITA Websites. 20 of the important websites covering DITA today.

DITA Webinars. 11 recorded Webinars on DITA.

DITA Mailing Lists. 6 mailing lists with frequent mentions of DITA.

DITA Publications. 37 publications and a link to a few dozen great presentations on DITA.

DITA Communities. 11 communities, mostly in North America so far.

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DITA Newsletter 1.7

DITA Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 7, February, 2008


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Bob Doyle

Editing help for DITA Newsletter

As I am finishing my seventh DITA Newsletter for posting today, I realize that I must get someone to help me produce this monthly snapshot of upcoming meetings and events, and snippets of important DITA News announcements.

We might be able to pay you a small amount for each newsletter. It's a small amount of tech writing.

If you like to keep in touch with what's happening in DITA and could edit and post a monthly template, I'd like to hear from you.

Email me at or 

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Content Technologies: DitaShare

DitaShare by Content Technologies GmbH is a DITA-based Single-Source CMS solution on Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 that offers collaborative Single-Sourcing and re-use of DITA topics and DITA maps, as well as publishing of conditional variants. DitaShare includes an integrated version of Altova Authentic 2008, a free web-based XML content editor, allowing authors and editors to work productively from any location using only MS Internet Explorer. Optional web-based editors include JustSystems XMAX, Xopus, and DITA Storm.

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Self on Help

Typing Users

When I started as a technical writer, in the pre-PC days, most work was in what was called the engineering field. I mainly worked with aircraft manuals, but also with manuals relating to other engineering areas, such as buses, ships, and buildings. We produced hand-written manuscripts, which were typed, reviewed, typeset, laid out, reviewed, and finally printed.

Read more Focus Areas: BPEL | DITA | ebXML | IDtrust | OpenDocument | SAML | UBL | UDDI
OASIS sites: OASIS | Cover Pages | | AMQP | CGM Open | eGov | Emergency | IDtrust | LegalXML | Open CSA | OSLC | WS-I