Archive - Jan 20, 2009


Adobe Introduces an eLearning Suite

Just announcing a new Tech Comm Suite might have been enough for Adobe, but just as the DITA architects are integrating learning and training into DITA 1.2, Adobe is making a powerful move into eLearning with the announcement of a new tool suite aimed directly at learning and training.

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Adobe Technical Communications Suite 2

When I reviewed the first Adobe Technical Communications Suite in 2007, I wrote that I looked forward to RoboHelp (even Captivate) importing and exporting DITA topics some day.

With TCS2, Adobe has extended their integration of their "best of breed" structured content creation tools with one another, bundled Photoshop - and made their biggest step yet with full DITA 1.1 integration.

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OASIS sites: OASIS | Cover Pages | | AMQP | CGM Open | eGov | Emergency | IDtrust | LegalXML | Open CSA | OSLC | WS-I