Archive - 2009

variables and entities

So ... in FrameMaker, I'm happy to replace things like product names and department names by variables; saves typing, increases accuracy and so on. How do I set about applying the same approach in DITA? for the time being, I'm working with a DITA-aware editor (XMLMind) to get a clearer idea of how things fit together.

The DITA Caper

RealWorld DITA 2009 Conference - Raleigh NC USA this September!

We are getting great response for the RealWorld DITA Conference here in Raleigh and have great speakers lined up -- including multiple speakers from IBM. 

Conference info is online at

The DITA Caper

New article, basics of XML, on DeveloperWorks

This article was written for those new to XML, and may be helpful to those new to XML and DITA... give you a foundation on which to build.

DITA-OT Plug-in Extension Points

Note: this pages has been moved to

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DITA Insight - A Newsletter for DITA

A newsletter for DITA with DITA tutorials, DITA product announcements and related events for those using or interested in using DITA. A Free publication:

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Read more Focus Areas: BPEL | DITA | ebXML | IDtrust | OpenDocument | SAML | UBL | UDDI
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