Archive - 2009

XSLT coding practices in the DITA-OT

XSLT Coding practices in the DITA-OT

The core developers on the DITA Open Toolkit generally try to keep several coding practices and design patterns in mind when adding to the toolkit's XSLT code. If you are interested in digging around in the DITA Open Toolkit, or in contributing XSLT patches back to the core toolkit, you may want to keep these practices in mind:

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Richard Hamilton reviews Practical DITA

Richard Hamilton, author of Managing Writers has reviewed Practical DITA on his XML Press website. Read the review at the linked site.

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Stilo cuts the cost of DITA content migration

Fast, high quality results for just $1 per page and $1 per graphic

1 April 2009, Swindon, United Kingdom – Stilo International today unveiled a radical Q2 promotion that significantly reduces the cost of content migration.  Organizations that need to convert legacy content, such as Word, FrameMaker and HTML files into DITA XML can now do so for just $1 per page and $1 per graphic.

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A recent project requirement of mine has prompted the development of DITA extensions for the popular open source Joomla! 1.5 content management system (CMS).

The DITA4Joomla Project enables the authoring, management and publishing of DITA content through the Joomla! CMS.

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Alexej Spas DITA blog

Common errors in DITA specializations

DITA Specialization opens a new dimension for customizing DITA to needs of different enterprises. But doing a valid specialization is not a trivial process. It requires rather deep understanding of DITA internals and command in technologies like DTD, XML Schema and s.o.

But even with sufficient knowledge of DTD (or XML Schema) coding, doing a valid specialization requires knowledge of certain DITA principles and rules. Just designing a valid DTD will not necessarily mean that you have a valid DITA model. 

Read more Focus Areas: BPEL | DITA | ebXML | IDtrust | OpenDocument | SAML | UBL | UDDI
OASIS sites: OASIS | Cover Pages | | AMQP | CGM Open | eGov | Emergency | IDtrust | LegalXML | Open CSA | OSLC | WS-I