WorldServer On-Demand will greatly facilitate our efforts to localize the DITA Users website.
Idiom WorldServer On-Demand for DITA Users
WorldServer On-Demand will greatly facilitate our efforts to localize the DITA Users website.
Sample documents
To submit a sample DITA document:
- Be sure you're logged in to the site. (First-time users must create an account.)
- Select the "edit" tab from the top of this page. You'll be taken to the submission form.
- Add your file in the "Attach new file" field at the bottom of the submission form.
X-Pubs 2007 - DITA Specialization and S1000D
DITA is both a markup language and architecture for defining new markup languages, or creating DITA-compatible flavours of existing languages. Can DITA be specialized to support the S1000D standard, enabling standardized content reuse, integration, and publishing with S1000D-compatible content in a DITA-compliant toolset? If it can, then a strong reuse and integration relationship would become possible between the two standards, with sharable infrastructure, content, and publishing streams.
X-Pubs 2007 - Keynote: DITA in Context
DITA’s capabilities are being put to the test with a wide range of adoption contexts with very different requirements. Can it scale from small shops to industry consortia? Can it adapt to new audiences, new content types, new development methodologies?
DITA Infocenter 1.1
There were some who said we should simply replace the 1.0 versions. We have heard from others who said that some products would continue to support 1.0 for a while and that we should leave both in place.