Michael Priestley
MP: STC 2007 Day 4
The conference finished off with a number of DITA case studies, from BusinessObjects, RIM, and PTC.
I highly recommend Larissa Sliwinsky's "Real-World DITA" case study on usage at Business Objects (ppt available from the STC session materials site). The business driver was customer complaints about lack of information, out-of-date information: as someone with a background in user assistance, it always makes me feel warm and fuzzy when someone chooses DITA to improve their customer experience/information quality, instead of focusing solely on its reuse benefits.
Anyone used Xpress Author / DITA Studio?
I'm investigating a switch to DITA for my company, and so far the tool that looks best to me is's Xpress Author and DITA Toolkit. Has anyone worked with this tool? If so, what do you think of it?
Michael Priestley
MP: STC 2007 Day 3
Day 3 kicked off with the DITA TC meeting, phoning in from my hotel room - we completed our disposition of features for 1.2 versus 1.3, and approved the creation of a new Semiconductor subcommittee, led by Bob Beims of Freescale. I know this has been in the makings for quite some time, kudos to Bob for pulling it together.
Michael Priestley
MP: STC 2007 Day 2
A great opening keynote from honorary fellow Simon Singh, for his work on documentaries and books such as Fermat's Last Theorem. Some of the elements that stuck: the importance of storytelling, the importance of trust between the filmmaker and the subject, and the line between simplifying materials for general consumption versus distorting footage to misrepresent opinions.
Michael Priestley
MP: STC 2007 Day 1
Precis: weather nice, vendors many, Adobe resurgent, technical writers focus on technology, architecture, globalization, perhaps a little DITA here and there.
Weather: sunny, windy, hot. Got the chance to wander the sculpture garden after registering, also stuck my head in on Bernard Aschwanden's session on DITA XML and said hi, along with Robert Anderson, my co-presenter (the lead architect of the DITA Open Toolkit).