lists and their introductions
Typographically, a paragraph is one thing and a list is another - even if the content of the paragraph is nothing than more the lead-in to the list. That would suggest something like [paragraph] [/paragraph] [ul] [/ul]
Logically, the introductory paragraph and the list form a unit of information. That would suggest something like [paragraph] [ul] [/ul] [/paragraph].
The 1.1 language spec. I have to hand appears to allow both. What do you experienced users think?
xhtml customization re <pre class="codeblock">
What do I have to do to change
<pre class="codeblock">
in xhtml output to be:
<pre class="prettyprint"> ?
I want to do this in order to use the Javascript code prettifier to format code. I have args.hdf set to write the script call in, and the args.css set for the style sheet, but I am not sure which template I need to copy into my custom .xsl to change the actual tag in the xhtml.
Fast solutions appreciated. ;-)
Does DITA work well for technical support documents?
Hello group, forgive me if I'm posting in the wrong location. Not sure where this would belong.
I am a student enrolled in the Technical and Professional Writing program at San Francisco State and am writing a white paper about DITA.
The goal of my paper is to determine whether using DITA to create technical support documents is a successful solution and to what degree (i.e. some content works better than other content, pros vs. cons, etc.).