Adobe Announces Adobe FrameMaker XML and DITA eSeminar Series
Who Should Attend?
Just curious...our group has starting this option and was wondering what future publishing channels may be.
I read about DITA concepts; now, I want to see some working samples to find out what I can do with DITA, and how.
So I'm now trying to install the Open Toolkit 1.2.2, on Windows, as per insturctions found here;
Group Wellesley, Inc. provides DITA training, customization, and consulting support. We have delivered DITA seminars in the United States and in Europe.
I've got the recordings of a two-day workshop sponsored by PTC last year available - thanks are due to IBM for providing my time, PTC for recording the workshops, and to OASIS for hosting the recordings and sample files:
Adobe Announces Adobe FrameMaker XML and DITA eSeminar Series
Who Should Attend?