The DITA Troubleshooting specialization is now available as a plug-in to the DITA Open Toolkit. The Troubleshooting specialization creates a new topic type that is well-suited for problem-solution information. This topic type is based on the generic DITA topic type, and is based on the OASIS DITA standard. The Troubleshooting specialization should be placed in the \plugins directory of the Open Toolkit. You should run ant -f integrator.xml on the command line from the toolkit root directory after unzipping the package. This will properly "integrate" the package.
Archive - Nov 1, 2007
DITA Troubleshooting specialization is now available
News: Submitted by carolyn_henry_dita on Thu, 2007-11-01 14:41. Last updated on Mon, 2007-11-05 12:56.
How to share user experiences on this site
Book page: Submitted by carolgeyer on Thu, 2007-11-01 14:34. Last updated on Wed, 2007-11-28 09:57.
DITA users are encouraged to share their experiences with others on this site in a variety of ways:
- Describe your specific experience using a product or service provider by selecting the 'Add new comment' link at the bottom of the vendor's listing in the DITA Products or Services directory.
- Add your organization's name to the Deployments page in the Wiki Knowledgebase.