Archive - Nov 2007
File and folder naming
Although the DITA standard itself does not set rules about file and folder naming, the DITA Open Toolkit has strict requirements for file and folder names. Problems with file and folder names may cause publishing to fail.
It is best to set guidelines about file and folder naming conventions before you start creating references such as <topicref>s in maps, as references include file names and folder paths.
Minimalism: Creating Manuals People Can Use
DITA Translation Files
I recently submitted a document for language translations. It is composed of 28 DITA files, (references, tasks, etc.). The LSP commented that it was costly to run 28 individual files agains the translation memory and the expense would be less if a single file were given to them for their process.
Is there a better way to do this?
Translation Memory
We are planning to migrate our legacy html data to XML, and hopefully DITA. Legacy data was created in RoboHelp HTML 2002. A big issue is the impact on existing Translation Memory.
We do in-house translation into 12 non-English languages. Translators use SDLX Trados and related Trados tools (Tag Editor) to localize from English source. Translators have an enormous existing Translation Memory for each language.
Bob Doyle
DITA Newsletter 1.4
DITA Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 4, November, 2007 Features in this issue (see the web version at
- DITA User Group Meetings
- Pure DITA
- Three DITA Book Options
- DITA Storm Acquired by Inmedius
- DITA as a Service (SaaS)
- New Troubleshooting Specialization
- Introduction to DITA, Arbortext Edition
- DITA Tutorials and new Presentation Recordings