Archive - 2007 Research: DITA Studio

DITA Studio is part of the DITA Enterprise Suite which is designed to allow organizations to broadly deploy DITA content creation and publishing. DITA Studio is an Integrated Design Environment for DITA, providing an application that was build from the ground up with DITA in mind.  DITA Studio supports enterprise or project level content modeling, a flexible user interface for profiling and other types of metadata management, and publishing through the DITA Open Toolkit.

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DITA Version 1.1 Submitted to OASIS Members for Approval as a Standard

Members of the OASIS DITA Technical Committee have released an approved Committee Specification of the DITA 1.1 specification for consideration as an OASIS Standard. Statements of use have been provided by IBM, JustSystems (XMetaL), Flatirons Solutions, PTC-Arbortext, and Comtech Services, Inc. 

Version 1.1 of DITA is made up of four distinct units: an architectural specification, a language specification, and the DTD and Schema implementations of the language. Additional functionality in DITA 1.1:

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XMetaL 4x unexpectedly quitting

Two of my company's heaviest XMetaL users have reported that the application has started to unexpectedly quit, usually when they are copying and pasting large amounts of text.  They were using 4.5, so I upgraded them to 4.6 SP2.  The problem has not been resolved.  The Just System's technical support page offers little information besides the fact that it will cost $100 to ask them this question.  I was just curious if this is anything you've experienced.  I've done the basic maintenance (cleaning off any spyware, disk cleanup, defragmenting, ect.) to no avail.

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Editorial board

Oversight for this site is provided by the Focus Area Subcommittee of the OASIS DITA Adoption Technical Committee (TC). Participation in this group is open to all members of the DITA Adoption TC

Editorial Board communications are publicly archived.

DITA Specialization Demonstration

Movie of a "live" version of DITA Specialization Tutorial, presented to the Central Texas DITA Users Group (CTDUG) by Eliot Kimber (aka Dr. Macro) of Really Strategies.

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