Archive - 2007

DITA Users

The DITA Users website ( has a number of DITA resources:

DITA News. About 30 places to go for news about DITA.

DITA Websites. 20 of the important websites covering DITA today.

DITA Mailing Lists. 6 mailing lists with frequent mentions of DITA.

DITA Publications. 37 publications and a link to a few dozen great presentations on DITA.

DITA Communities. 11 communities, mostly in North America so far.

DITA Glossary. A glossary of about 50 DITA-related terms, which can be syndicated to serve on your website.

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DITA from A to B - soft beta launch of DITA Users website

DITA Users is a membership website with tools to help writers get started with topic-based structured authoring. (

The site runs a hosted version of the DITA Open Toolkit, so writers are spared the hassle of an OT install. It also uses the new DITA Storm browser-based WYSIWYG editor. So there is nothing to download and knowledge of XML is not needed.

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Bruce Esrig

DITA in Context: At IA Summit 2007

The Information Architecture Summit ( is a great place to learn from thought leaders in user experience design, interaction design, information architecture, and related areas.

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If These Walls Could Talk: Unlocking the Interoperability of SCORM, S1000D, and DITA

by Diane Wieland, DCL News Editorial

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Michael Priestley

MP: CMS/DITA 2007 Days 2 and 3

Still trying to catch my breath - a great conference, and as always a joy seeing familiar faces as well as welcoming lots of new people into the DITA way. As usual I tried to attend every case study I could, and it was great to see so many new projects coming on board. If there was a common theme for the case studies I saw, it was the importance of communication and engagement of the writing team to the success of the project: the business case and the technology won't matter if the people doing the work don't buy in to the value of topic-oriented writing.

Read more Focus Areas: BPEL | DITA | ebXML | IDtrust | OpenDocument | SAML | UBL | UDDI
OASIS sites: OASIS | Cover Pages | | AMQP | CGM Open | eGov | Emergency | IDtrust | LegalXML | Open CSA | OSLC | WS-I