Archive - Jan 10, 2008
Self on Help
Context Sensitivity
I have been giving some thought to the ways in which Help may be invoked by a software application. The ways I could think of were:
The DITA Caper
Converting FrameMaker content to DITA (brief)
FrameMaker 8 includes DITA support, and works well for creating new content. Converting existing FrameMaker content poses a few challenges. One of these challenges, converting FrameMaker cross references to Structured FrameMaker cross reference elements, is addressed herein.
Free White Paper: Extreme DITA - Leveraging Extensibility to Deliver Solutions
This paper presents some of the implementation experiences that Stilo has had with DITA over the last couple of years. What emerges from this review is a ringing endorsement of DITA as a fundamentally effective way to approach the most common, and frequently most exasperating, challenges associated with projects mandated with modernizing how documentation is created, managed and published. Three cases are included in this paper: