Archive - 2010
How Effective Use of Metadata and the Resource Description Framework (RDF) Can Be an Answer to Your DITA Nightmares
Pagebreaks in DITA
I have a question regarding rendering PDF from DITA using the DITA OT.
DITA does not appear to have anything that supports page breaks which is what I need to generate.
More specifically, I’ve got a figure (and figure title) that I’d like to display at the top of the next page. I’m not identifying an attribute that forces the figure (and the title) to appear on the next page. How is this handled in DITA?
Information Modeling for Topic-based Authoring in XML
Sample DITA end-user documentation?
I am a student in the Technical Communication program at Red River College in Winnipeg, Manitoba. As part of my graduation project,
I am exploring the prospect of using DITA to design an end-user guide to develop a web application for a cancer treatment centre in the province. Does anyone have a link to any substantial documentation samples that were designed using the DITA architecture? I was hoping to find.pdfs or Windows Help Files.
Must appreciated.