Archive - 2011

Advanced DITA Training including DITA 1.2

Norwood, MA
22 Mar 2011 - 08:00 - 23 Mar 2011 - 17:00
Event Type: 
Training Class

Jorsek: easyDITA™

easyDITA™ is designed to help organizations achieve a full featured DITA platform that can also be easily used by non-technical contributors and reviewers. easyDITA™ features a robust WYSIWYG XML editor, full support for DITA Open Toolkit, and fully integrated component content managument system. Distributed collaboration and workflow enable non-technical contributors and others to participate in content creation and review. Native XML storage and open standards support integration requirements.

Features overview

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Java coding practices in the DITA-OT

Java Coding practices in the DITA-OT

The core developers on the DITA Open Toolkit generally try to keep several coding practices and design patterns in mind when adding to the toolkit's Java code. If you are interested in digging around in the DITA Open Toolkit, or in contributing Java patches back to the core toolkit, you may want to keep these practices in mind.

Note that this page is currently under development.

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[ANN] XMLmind XML Editor v4.8 now allows to author and process DITA 1.2 documents.

XMLmind is happy to announce the version 4.8 of XMLmind XML Editor.

XMLmind XML Editor Personal Edition v4.8 can be downloaded from

Professional Edition users, please upgrade using this form:

(The above form is usually accessed through

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In pursuit of the ultimate techCom information architecture

Do we need a content strategy?

Today, companies must launch products to global markets faster than ever before if they want to remain competitive. R&D organizations within those companies are continuously improving the development processes and ways to produce products to enable this possibility. This means that technical communication teams are also faced with a challenge. The content volume that we must manage is growing and we must be able to in parallel manage content for multiple product configurations and release manuals in shorter time frames using the existing staff.

Read more Focus Areas: BPEL | DITA | ebXML | IDtrust | OpenDocument | SAML | UBL | UDDI
OASIS sites: OASIS | Cover Pages | | AMQP | CGM Open | eGov | Emergency | IDtrust | LegalXML | Open CSA | OSLC | WS-I