Archive - Feb 19, 2008

publishing javahelp output

I am trying to process javahelp output and was wondering if anyone had suggestions for good tutorials or general advice.  I am using Arbortext Editor and Arbortext Publishing Engine to create the DITA bookmaps and create pdf and webhelp output. Unfortunately, Arbortext doesn't support javahelp builds, so I have downloaded the open toolkit and did the practice javahelp build.   Any suggestions for hooking up Arbortext stylesheets and dtd files with the open toolkit would be much appreciated.  Thanks!

SDL acquires Idiom

SDL, a provider of Global Information Management (GIM) solutions, announced that it has acquired Idiom Technologies, a provider of “Software as a Service” translation management systems. The transaction will see Mike Iacobucci continue to serve as CEO of Idiom, reporting to Mark Lancaster, Chairman and CEO of SDL.

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Making Friends with Your DITA-Unfriendly Documents

Don Bridges & Mikhail Vaysbukh
Data Conversion Laboratory

DITA is a hot topic in the 'Tech Docs' arena, and for good reason. DITA is an open standard that addresses many of the needs of technical documentation producers - most notably content reuse needs. The big question for many companies, once they've determined that authoring in this new standard would be beneficial for them, is what to do with the treasure trove of existing documents, known as legacy documents. Would they be useful converted into DITA, and is it worth the effort?

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[Webinar] Getting Started with DITA: Practical Tips for Using Arbortext for DITA, February 19 1PM ET

19 Feb 2008 - 13:00 - 14:00 Focus Areas: BPEL | DITA | ebXML | IDtrust | OpenDocument | SAML | UBL | UDDI
OASIS sites: OASIS | Cover Pages | | AMQP | CGM Open | eGov | Emergency | IDtrust | LegalXML | Open CSA | OSLC | WS-I