Archive - Jun 12, 2008

Myths about technical writing

When you start working with DITA, there are some things that you may feel you need for traditional reasons that you won't find in DITA. Before you try to modify or specialize DITA, it may be worthwhile to rethink some technical writing practices that are outdated and not recommended today.

1. The GlueText Myth

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What has been the most challenging aspect of your DITA implementation?

Migrating legacy data
14% (3 votes)
Writing in a topic-oriented way
18% (4 votes)
Choosing the right DITA elements/attributes to use
9% (2 votes)
Learning new tools
5% (1 vote)
Setting up a publishing system/stylesheets
55% (12 votes)
Total votes: 22

Lottery for free DITA conference tickets closes tomorrow

DITA Users lottery for free tickets to major conferences featuring DITA in June, will close tomorrow, June 13.

Join DITA Users today and enter the lottery. If you are already a member, send us a request saying that if you win you will attend one or more of these conferences:

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