Archive - Oct 17, 2006
Getting started
Getting started with DITA requires a multi-step process:
- Understand the topic-based architecture underlying the DITA model.
Topic-based authoring is the basis of DITA. In order to understand the best approach to DITA, first understand how to work with topics and structured writing.
DITA Learning Content SC - SCORM
See Slide 6 and supporting slides for an overview of the core elements of SCORM:
- The Content Aggregation Model (CAM) provides content packaging, metadata (LOM), and sequencing information
- The Run-Time Environment specifies APIs and other requirements for a SCORM-compliant learning-management system (LMS)
- Sequencing and Navigation specification (IMS)
Two-minute SCORM overview for developers - Technical details on SCORM implementation for developers.
Learning objects and SCORM intro from EduWorks -
Readable overview about SCORM, from Randall House Associates
SCORM In Practice - presentation with pretty good introduction to SCORM in slides 6-15
A (rather lengthy) powerpoint presentation on SCORM intro; be sure to view in Screenshow mode, if possible.
SCORM spec on sequencing - includes information about information types used for learning content.
Introduction to SCORM Content Structure - An interactive course-like introduction, replete with a quiz.
SCORM 2004 Documentation set - HUGE -
Tecfa has a Wiki about SCORM sequencing -
Carnegie Mellon's Learning Systems Architecture Lab -
Sample SCORM course and sample on sequencing - SCORM 2004 Sequencing Essentials Content Example (SECE) Version 1.0 - This provides a working sample of SCORM 2004 sequencing, in the form of an actual SCORM course. It contains some really good sample content and information about content types and how to structure them into an activity sequence with objectives, etc, for SCORM deliverables.
To view the sample course, you need to have installed the SCORM Sample RTE Version 1.3.3, which you can download from here -
S1000D/SCORM Redundancy Analysis and Conversion Guidelines document. Within the document, we reference and discuss Gagne (around page 25 or so). There is a table that clarifies the instructional events and potentional objects that can support the event.
See also:
DITA Learning Content SC - Issues
We're currently focused on our Task 1 review of structured designs for learning and how to apply DITA principles and best practices.
Meetings so far:
DITA Learning Content SC - Purpose
Initial goals:
1. Develop a general top-level design for structured, intent-based authoring of learning content with good learning architecture, following DITA principles and best practices. Such a design would build on past work on topic-based content, reusable learning objects, and the learning content types needed to support them. Some specifics of a DITA design for learning content include:
DITA Learning Content SC - Background information
Notes from meetings:
- Starting point: IBM pilot specializations and DB2 course content
- Discussion of Cisco/Clark model and reusable learning objects
Identifies five core content types - Concept, Fact, Procedure, Process, Principle - and combines them with Overview, Summary, Practice, Assessment as the basis for an RLO - reusable learning object. - Clark futher breaks out learning objects as made up of instructional objects and information objects.
- Combining the pilot specialization and the Clark/Cisco model gets us to this picture.
1) John Hunt and Bob Bernard articles on a DITA specialization design and content pilot.
My starting point on this topic, published last summer, on IBM developerWorks.
2) CISCO Systems Reusable Object Strategy
One of the seminal white papers on reusable learning objects from CISCO. Identifies five core content types - Concept, Fact, Procedure, Process, Principle - and combines them with Overview, Summary, Practice, Assessment as the basis for an RLO - reusable learning object.
3) Reusable Learning Objects- What does the future hold? by Peder Jacobsen (LTI Newsline, 2001)
Provides a readable overview of RLOs and XML-based technologies.
4) Thinking XML: Learning Objects Metadata by Uche Obguji (developerWorks, 2003)
A very useful summary of the SCORM-standard Learning Object Metadata (LOM), how to represent it with XML, and connection to RDF.
5) Course Generation Based on HTN Planning by Carsten Ullrich
A technically dense, but very interesting approach to applying hierarchical task analysis to planning and describing learning objects, and how to apply to different learning needs and goals.
Suggests a general approach for describing the structure of learning "tasks" as a "structured sequence of learning objects that help the learner to understand the content goal." An HTN for teaching a concept includes content to introduce, develop, practice, connect, and reflect.